Chapter 69 Of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter, What’s The Intention Of Viper? 

Chapter 69 Of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter, What's The Intention Of Viper

Viper and the Sword Saint’s message to the world will be the main subject of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 69. Kim and the Heavenly Demon were already waiting for them when they arrived.

How does Viper want to live? SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 69

They had arrived at the training field to meet with them because it appeared that they needed to speak with them right away. The Cult may have found their secret deal, according to media reports.

Fans can expect to learn more about what the Sword Saint and Viper want from the celestial monster in the next episode, as well as how they plan to obtain it. Kim, on the other hand, will continue to study the various

Sword Art disciplines that his master has taught him. Kim’s combat against the starving zombies, which was covered in the previous chapter, is also included in this chapter.

What Happens Next in SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 69 is a mystery:

Kim had already released the four forms of the Sword of Starvation earlier in the show before it ended. Before he could continue training with the Heavenly Demon, he needed to talk with Sword Saint and Viper, and they had arrived to do so.

Due to this revelation, they have been summoned to the demonic Cult as soon as possible. Until Kim sees his lord for the first time, no one knows if the Cult is aware of his existence.

Kim has no legal right to be in the Cult because only children who have been abandoned by their parents are allowed to join.

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Because the Cult knows he is studying with Baek Hyang, they might both be held accountable. Is it more likely that the Cult accepts or rejects this offer? The answer will be revealed in Chapter 69 of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter, which will be posted soon.

Kim screamed about Baekhyang’s contemptuous attitude toward his Sword of Starvation abilities in the 68th chapter of SSS-Class Suicide. The Heavenly Demon’s disposition had abruptly altered when he found himself in a battle with the undead, who were desperately striving to quench their thirst.

The lady chastised him, saying his sword was too basic and didn’t appear to be in the middle of a fight. Preta had returned with the bodies of those who had died of malnutrition as a result of the play.

The Heavenly Demon chose to teach Kim about the Core of Simgyeol, which is the universe’s center when he was arrested. She instructed Kim to close his eyes and pretend to be hungry.

Kim followed her instructions to the letter. Hunger tasted like mud, sunlight, river water, and the laughter of children playing in the local area to him.

Her next question was whether he remembered being served scraped apples by his mother as a child. I had a similar experience when I was thirsty.

Baekhyang had commanded Kim a few chapters before to unleash the first form of the Sword of Starvation, and Kim was able to carry out his orders and discharge the first version of the Sword of Starvation.

Chapter 69 of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter: Release Date

We’ll find out how Kim is progressing with Baekhyang in the next part of Suicide Hunter. As a result, on April 6, 2022, the SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Chapter 69 will be released.

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Currently, the only sites where you can find manhwa chapters are the official pages of Naver, Webtoon, and Kakaopage. In the next few days, more information will be published in The Anime Daily.

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