Justice recommends a special counsel for Mariana Nogales Molinelli

Justice recommends a special counsel for Mariana Nogales Molinelli

The Department of Justice Refers to the representative of the Citizens Success Movement (MVC), Mariana Knogles MolinelliFalse testimony on room occupation canon and office of Special Advocate (Opfei) for Violation of Tax Law, Learned New day.

On September 20, the company informed Opfei that it had launched an investigation into the legislator. The agency was implemented on the recommendations of the new Progressive Senator Gregory Matthias And spokesperson New Progressive Party In the (PNP) Senate, Dear Thomas Rivera.

Matias was the first to mention the role of Nogales Molinelli as chairman and treasurer of the Ocean Front Villas Corporation and how the apartments under it appear on the Airbnb rental site. Senator Benibe has questioned Nougat Molinelli’s claim that the company is owned by his mother and has nothing to do with the management and management of movable and immovable property.

In mid-February, the lawyer Yriyanis figurola coynes Matthias was interviewed and asked by the Judicial Ethics Committee in early December House of Representatives Inquiry file on legislator, including public condemnation and $ 2,000 fine.

Addressed in a December letter by Ficurola Goenz Angel Matos Garcia, The chairman of the Chamber Ethics Commission, told him the prosecution had recently handed over the investigation into Nokales Molinelli. Immediately, he demanded that the first-time legislator provide the certified documents in the file.

The legislator publicly acknowledged that his financial statements to the Commission included data on his involvement in the Ocean Friend Villas Corporation and in brigade Legal Solidaria, the Greater Caribbean for Life and the Anti-Death Penalty Coalition in Puerto Rican.

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Nogales Molinelli was mentioned in the assembly in December by members of the PNP delegation Department of Finance Corporation Ocean Friend to avoid information about his assets and activities in Villas Corporation and other companies.

Also, in February, Rep Angel Mori twins During the full public hearing of the House of Representatives, the head of the treasury asked, Francisco ParesAn update on the progress of the agency’s parallel investigation into Knogles Molinelli, to which the official responded that the disclosure of tax information on a citizen was prohibited by law.

The note on the treasury was signed Lourdes Ramos, Gabriel Rodriguez Aguillo, Angel Mori And Victor Parés Otero. It is alleged that the ambassador provided the information to Hussein. Initially, in these documents, Benbace pointed out in the letter that Nogales Molinelli was identified as the only co-ordinating and resident agent they call family businesses.

With corrections, he, along with his mother, Rita MolinelliChairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

On Sept. 15, Nogales Molinelli announced that he had filed a change in the corporate record of the Ocean Friend Villas Corporation to exit and take over his mother corporation completely. Similarly, he withdrew from other organizations: the Puerto Rican Alliance Against the Death Penalty, the “Greater Caribbean and the Greater Caribbean Abolition Organization for Life.”