Journalist Armando Linares was killed in western Mexico; There have been eight murders against communicators so far in 2022 | News Universe Latin America

Journalist Armando Linares was killed in western Mexico;  There have been eight murders against communicators so far in 2022 |  News Universe Latin America

Journalist Armando Linares, local media director Track Michoacan, According to authorities, was shot dead Tuesday afternoon. With him, 8 journalists have been killed so far in 2022.

The Michoacán State Attorney’s Office confirmed the murder in a statement and noted that the events took place near his home.

In the western Mexican state of Michoacán, this is the journalist who denounced weeks ago that he had received threats because of several references he made pointing to the corruption of politicians and the former regional lawyer of the Zitácuaro Attorney’s Office.

On January 31, Armando Linares Announced the assassination of Roberto ToledoCollaborative journalist Track Michoacan. In the complaint, he confirmed the threats against himself, his co-workers and the media he directed.

Violence against the press and impunity in Mexico

The number of murders against journalists so far in 2022 is the same as recorded last year.

Jose Luis Campova, director of the Internet portal, died in early January as a result of a stab wound in the state of Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexico. A few days later, freelance photographer Margarito Martinez and journalist Lourdes Maldonado were shot dead in the border town of Tijuana.

At the end of that month, Robert ToledoA contributor to the news portal Monitor Michoacán has died after being shot several times in the western city of Zitácuaro.

The numerous assassinations have caused shock and outrage not only in the Mexican press, but also among foreign politicians such as US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who expressed concern over the issue a few weeks ago.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He took Blingen’s reaction as a critique of Mexico’s efforts to investigate those crimes and protect journalists.

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Mexico is the most violent country for press practice in the Western Hemisphere.
