Archbishop of San Juan, Robert Gonzalez NevesToday, Sunday, was approved as Mansinger’s dismissal Daniel Fernandez Torres As bishop of the Diocese of Arecibo, he has “tested, and perhaps endangered” Catholicism in Puerto Rican, but he has asked the congregation to be “united as one family.”
“Puerto Rico are people who love the Holy Father. Puerto Rican Catholicism has three characteristics: love for grace, love for the Virgin Mary and love for the Holy Father and it has been going on for centuries, apparently, it has been put to the test, perhaps in danger, this condition, but basically We believe in Jesus “Monsignor said.
That conducted “Love and faith in the Holy Father must be unquestionable, though (process) painful.” He recognized that the church “Lives a moment of great tragedy and complexity, and for many, a moment of great misunderstanding.”
“We will always be one Catholic family, faithful to Jesus, devoted to Mary, and faithful to the Holy Father. May this moment be a solidification for us.”Grow in unity, ”he confirmed when asked to continue to pray for Fernandez Torres and his family.
The revelations of the supreme leader took place this afternoon in front of the Old San Juan Cathedral, at the call of members of the Catholic Church, in the slogan of unity after the removal of Fernandes Torres. Rejected by a section of the parishioners, especially from the Diocese of Arecibo.
“I understand your presence is an ointment for Monsignor Daniel It is important for him to feel his intimacy and that love, because this is a very traumatic moment not only for him but also for the Diocese of Arecibo and the Church of Puerto Rico.Because when a member feels hurt, we all get hurt, ”he said.
The event, which was mostly led by young people, included songs and testimonies by parishioners touching on the lives of those affected by the work of Fernandez Torres.
“We cried, we need comfort”
Mariam NavarroOne of the young women who led the action could not stop her voice from exploding when Fernandez started talking about Torres.
“We cried, we need comfort. Thank you Holy Spirit, thank you because we find comfort in pain and suffering in a united church. We ask our Lord, Monsignor Daniel, to give him the strength and power he needs,” Navarro said.
The leaders of the group, who rallied in front of the historic church, insisted that this was not a struggle against the Supreme Pontifical, and that they hoped the pope would reverse his decision, but if not, they would respect the decision. “If it is your holy will, we can get him back, otherwise we understand the Lord,” cried the young woman, hearing a guitar in the background.
Emmanuel Montanes ColossusFor his part, the Pope reaffirmed the “authority” of the Catholic Church, and they will recognize him and continue to recognize him. “This is beyond a demonstration, what we want is a moment of unity,” he said, marking the lives of many young people in the Supreme Pontiff.
He acknowledged that the Diocese of Arecibo was suffering for a while because the removal of Fernandez Torres was “unexpected.” He emphasized that the decision was not a signal of a formal antitrust inquiry into Fernandes Torres’ return to power.
Johanna OrtizFernandez described Torres as a “special person” who was part of the “Los de Maria” choir of the Neustra Senora del Carmen Parish in Arecibo. “What you are going to see here is the fruit that God has sown by grace. You are going to see young people and people of other religions because we are here to promote the unity that he has so strongly encouraged, ”he said.
Although he said they were “in mourning”, Artis said his message was not against the church. “We lost our father … but we’re glad it brought unity within us as a church,” he said.
During the process, a group – formerly recognized by the organizers – collected signatures from participants with the intention of listening to the voices of “wounded and outraged” people in St. See, Rome, he said. George Louis Perez Perez, Of the Faith, Life and Community Commission of the Diocese of Arecibo. “We understand that what happened inside our church is unjust,” Perez Perez said.
He explained that the determination against Fernandez Torres was the result of “bad information” sent by other bishops in Puerto Rico. “He fought for the morals of our country,” Perez Perez added.