Elections: Assembly Election Results and Overseas Consultations – Election News – Elections 2022

Elections: Assembly Election Results and Overseas Consultations – Election News – Elections 2022

From last March 7 to this Sunday the 13th at 4:00 pm local time in each of your countries, Colombians registered abroad cast their ballots at embassies in 66 countries and at 2,139 tables. The day was marked by those who described it as peaceful and simple, and allegations of misconduct by activists and politicians from countries such as the United States, Australia and Spain.

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Colombians abroad can choose One representative to the House of Representatives and one to the Senate And one of three presidential consultations. Total 908,566 people are eligible to vote.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the day passed normally despite reports of abuse. Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Marta Lucía Ramírez responded in a statement on Friday night, saying that he was aware of the complaints and issued different instructions to Foreign Ministry officials pointing out the duties of each. Both ambassadors and embassies must act with due diligence. Registration of citizens at embassies, as well as their registration at different voting tables“.

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Preliminary results from abroad

In the Senate, with 91.6 percent of the vote, the historic deal received a total of 28,822 votes, followed by the Democratic Central Party with 25,616 votes; And the Alliance of Allianz Verde and Centro Esperanza received 17,784 votes.

The historic agreement also won the Colombian House of Representatives, which has the opportunity to elect a Member of Parliament to advocate for citizens living outside the country.

At 91.3 percent of the table, the Left Alliance received 34,983 votes, the Democratic Center Party 23,550 votes and the Meera Party 11,218 votes. The candidate who received the most votes at the end of this edition was Carmen Ramirez, who received 13,854 votes from the historic agreement; He received only 13,766 votes on the historic agreement list, followed by Democratic Center candidate Juan David Welles with 10,895 votes.

On the advice of the President, the historic agreement and its candidate Gustavo Pedro received the most votes.

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In left-wing consultation, 95.3 percent of the vote was cast, with Pedro receiving 31,919 votes, followed by Francia Marquez with 11,142 votes.
In Centro Esperanza’s poll, 95.1 percent of the tables were reported, with Sergio Fajardo winning with 8,963 votes, while Alejandro Gaviria received 7,137 votes.

Finally, on the team for Colombia, Fico Gutierrez won with 31,849 votes, with 94.9 percent of the tables counted, followed by Aydeé Lizarazo with 10,208 votes.

Four years ago, when the Democratic Center was the best leader abroad, following the Green Alliance and the Meera Party, it leaves a very different picture.

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Whistle blowing

In London (United Kingdom), Colombians lined up to vote at the city’s consulate around 4pm (local time) on Saturday. “People are coming to vote, but it is not possible, Because there are only two polling stations. Unable to vote, many had to leave. What they said was that four years ago they asked the registrar to set more voting tables, “said an EL TIEMPO journalist at the scene.

When she went to the polls on Wednesday, March 9, in Montreal (Canada), a woman promised that her husband, named Jose Angel, would have been replaced. Through a video circulating on social media, they were informed when they arrived at the Colombian embassy after verifying the data. That person seemed to have already voted.

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According to the woman, the Colombian embassy official in the city was aware of this fact and reported it to the registrar’s office. But, they were not answered. “They say there is nothing we can do because it is the fault of the arbitral tribunal. That is not fair. It is not fair to say that the jury erred, the matter remains the same; I mean, they vote for one, and nothing can be done, “she said.

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The video was posted on Twitter by National Election Council Magistrate Luis Guillermo Perez. To “discipline and criminal investigation on jurors”.

In another case, in Miami (United States), some users of digital sites have pledged at the polls They will be given a card for the team for the Columbia AllianceWithout being asked.

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In the same city, users reported seeing election advertisements for Democratic Center and Conservative candidates. In a photo spread on social media, You can see the flyers of Jorge Alberto Valencia, the candidate of the Chamber of National Movement.; Pre-candidate for the team for Colombia is David Barquil and Chamber candidate for the Democratic Center is Juan David Welles.

On Madrid Spain), A complaint arose that irregularities had also taken place. One woman explained that she was in recognized positions No fingerprints or signatures were taken during the voting. As he wrote on Twitter, the reasons would be related to the restrictions caused by Govt-19, he questioned: “The ambassador told me what this officer said, so I told him it was disrespectful what they did not do. Do it because it was put forward for fraud, vote theft and more corruption It was unbelievable that he would lend himself to this kind of robbery“.

Commenting on the complaints in Spain, the Colombian Consulate General in Madrid issued a statement saying, “There are sufficient election materials sent and prepared by the National Register, which are provided daily from the establishment of the morning schedule until the opening of the schedule: 00 am to 4 pm; As mentioned, voter cards will only be issued to citizens who come to vote at the polls after verifying voter ID.

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The registrar’s office said it had written to the foreign ministry about the allegations. “It simply came to our notice then The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges ambassadors and consulates to monitor the activities of jurors So they carry out their legal duties without hindrance, are instructed in training and are on the register of jurors voting abroad, ”reads the letter signed by National Registrar Alexander Vega.

Vice President and Vice President Marta Lucia Ramirez promised that “there is a follow-up schedule for the electoral process abroad.” Goes 24 hours a day with embassies and consulates abroad“.

Commenting on the Miami case of “political campaigning”, he said: “The embassy has already informed the local authorities about these circumstances and asked them to restrain themselves from interfering in the development of the elections.”

Regarding Spain, the Chancellor said, “None of the formal complaints have been registered with URIEL, the immediate reception arm for electoral transparency. Election day has passed with normalcy And there are sufficient election materials sent by the National Register, which are distributed to the electorate as indicated by law.

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And about CanadaThe report states “This abuse violates the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its officialsBecause only the voting arbitrators can handle the election stuff ”.

The foreign ministry said there was no authority Malpractices by any official of that company, but similar to some jurors. Therefore, it has been decided to transfer the complaints to the Attorney General’s Office.

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