It was a random Saturday night in Texas when Ted opened for Donald Trump and decided to sink a Love Song. This was technically only after a few hours of an 18-year-old white supremacist terrorist walking over into the top supermarket in Buffalo. It becomes important to mention that this country has the highest percentage of the black population.
That is one of the most important reasons why this place was chosen to shoot at least 11 black people, 10 of which are now dead. This was one of the most horrifying incidents of the past, which has left a bad imprint on the history of the country of the United States of America.
Existing Complications Between The Issue
This particular incident complicated the issues between the black and the white people. Every possible attempt is made to find the ultimate suspect of this incident. But this particular incident has ended up becoming a right-wing media rallying call. The suspect of the buffalo shooting, who was none other than Payton Gendron, started giving replacement theories as a justification for the entire incident.
The suspect of the mass shooting in Buffalo posted a racist document online with conspiracies before killing 10 people at a supermarket. Tucker Carlson decided to refer to the white Nationalist replacement theory conspiracy in the document. This is one of the most important kinds of theories linked to multiple terror attacks in the recent past.
Theory And Its Explanations
This particular theory refers to the set of white Nationalist beliefs that immigration of all the non-white immigrants is nothing but an attempt of the left to replace the white population in Europe and North America.
This particular theory has been able to gain a huge amount of popularity ever since this statement was released in the media. This theory originated in France in 2019 when the Jewish people had become a common target for the people having a common far-right ideology.
Matter Of Investigation
The incident in Buffalo is still under investigation for the time being. The investigating officers find that this replacement theory is nothing but an attempt to divert the investigation in the wrong direction so that the real culprit can never be found.
All the references to the replacement theory and discussions and debates happening in the right-wing media show can only depict the central ideas. This is promoted by some famous right-wing media personalities like Tucker Carlson of Fox News.
Warning Of The Court
But it is important to mention that every detail of this incident is now getting investigated to the core. The court of 9th circuits has already warned the media to avoid any rumors and allow the investigative authorities to investigate the matter with utmost sincerity and with the least amount of deviation.
This is one of the most important factors due to which the famous Fox News editor has decided to distance himself from all of this replacement theory he was propagating once.
This is one of the most important factors taken into consideration to control almost every important detail of this particular case.
One of the most important organizations to control media in America has confirmed that this decision to stay away from this development is likely to help the matter get solved at the earliest.